Who is on your authorised signatory lists? Are your lists up-to-date? Is your company exposed to fraud?
The shift to remote working and digitalisation in the modern business world is exposing organisations to an increased risk of fraud. Cygnetise helps you minimise that risk.
5 reasons to digitise your signatory management with Cygnetise:
Reduce the risk of fraud and increase data security - keep all your signatory data in one place and have full control anytime, anywhere. Automatically maintain an audit trail of all data changes and share lists in real time via secure tokenised web links
Make e-signatures extra secure - Cygnetise complements the use of e-signatures within organisations, mitigating the risk of unauthorised personnel signing where they shouldn’t
Simplify managing all your signatory data incl. authorised signatories, delegated authorities, bank mandates, trader lists, etc. - add, remove and edit data at a click of a button
Save over 90% of time spent on manual admin tasks - what used to take hours, now takes minutes
Enhance governance - Enable adherence to control frameworks and facilitate corporate governance and regulatory compliance
Lower risk of fraud
Minimise the risk of signatory fraud by keeping all your signature list data in one place and having full control over who can sign what in your organisation at any time.
Increase data security
Automatically maintain an audit trail of all data changes and share lists in real-time via secure tokenised web links.
Reduce manual efforts & paper use
Save over 90% of time spent on manual admin tasks, and reduce the amount of paper used. Add, remove and edit signatory data at a click of a button.
Kleinwort Hambros Bank reduces 95% of time spent on managing authorised signatories
“There is no need for extensive time loss to training and support of the system internally. End users quickly become confident using the application and recognise the benefits to their responsibilities and the organisation.”