The current processes of managing authorised signatories, trader lists and bank mandates are highly manual, inefficient and costly for financial services organisations.

Cygnetise revolutionises signatory management and allows financial companies and their customers to easily create, maintain and distribute signatory data in just minutes. Thus ensuring efficiency, security and compliance in an increasingly complex regulatory environment.


Most common financial services use cases

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For authorised signatories

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For bank mandates

Authorised trader banner

For authorised trader lists

Kleinwort Hambros Logo Black

Kleinwort Hambros Bank reduces 95% of time spent on managing authorised signatories

Why use Cygnetise

At Cygnetise, we understand the challenges and complexities of the financial sector and have designed our application to address these head-ons.

Here are three key ways we can help you enhance your internal operations, governance and external trade counterparts communications.

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Gain control over the end-to-end process of managing signatory mandates

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Security & compliance

Mitigate the risk of fraud and data errors for you and your customers, and remain regulatory compliant

Cygnetise Efficiency Image


Save time and resources by digitally transforming signatory management so you can focus your efforts on more value-adding strategic processes and improve your customer experience

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