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When technology and legislation clash!

Beyond Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, blockchain is at the heart of many enterprise projects to provide better traceability and ensure decentralised transactions. However, GDPR came into effect on May 25th, and the nature of the technology is called into question. Billions of pounds have been invested, yet blockchain seems to be fundamentally incompatible with GDPR. 

So, can blockchain and GDPR co-exist? And if so, how?

Cygnetise, in partnership with Fintech journalist Bird Lovegod and Fintech North (distribution partner), created a stage one report to explore the topic, and propose a few possible solutions that anyone interested in blockchain might want to consider.

To take the report to the next level, we are looking for experts from the fields of compliance, law, blockchain, startups, and enterprise to contribute and comment. Are you one of them?

Please contact us at

To view and download the report, visit here